PPHS Students
First Name | Last Name | Title of PhD thesis | Supervisor Name | Discipline | Institute |
Ehui Bla Pelagie | Aboa | ction citoyenne pour le contrôle durable de la dengue en Afrique sub-saharienne . | PD Pie Müeller | Epidemiology (Faculty of Science) | Swiss TPH |
Yaman | Abuzahra | Effects of improving water access and hand hygiene on students in primary schools not connected to functional water sources in Nigeria and Palestine | PD Mirko Winkler | Epidemiology (Faculty of Science) | Swiss TPH |
Vera Katharina | Aebischer | Advancing the Endovascular Management of Stroke | Prof. Marios-Nikos Psychogios | Clinical Research | University Hospital Basel / DKF |
Maryam | Ahmadi Shad | The impact of nurse staffing and temporary working practices on nurse-sensitive events: A multi-method study in Switzerland and Iran. | Prof. Michael Simon | Nursing Science | Institute of Nursing science |
Ayman | Ahmed | Investigating the virome circulating among the Sudanese mosquito-populations | Prof. Jakob Zinsstag | Epidemiology (Faculty of Science) | The Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Universtiy of Basel |
Nukunu Etornam | Akyea-Bobi | Determination of the true burden of malaria in Ghana to guide clinical case management | PD Christian Nsanzabana | Epidemiology (Faculty of Science) | SwissTPH |
Jasmin | Albiez | Dissecting heterogeneity of human host cell response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection at single cell level | PD Damien Portevin | Cell Biology | Swiss Tropical & Public Health Institute |
Lujain | Alchalabi | Access to oral healthcare among refugees and asylum seekers in Switzerland | Prof. Nicole Probst-Hensch | Public Health/Epidemiology incl Insurance Medicine (Faculty of Medicine) | Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute |
Milagros | Alvarado | Parental Mental Health and Child Development in Peruvian Andes | PD Daniel Mäusezahl | Epidemiology (Faculty of Science) | Swiss TPH |
Priska | Ammann | Pesticide use in Swiss Agriculture: Exposure levels, health effects and attitudes | Prof. Nicole Probst-Hensch | Epidemiology (Faculty of Science) | Swiss TPH |
Aikaterini | Anastasiou | New frontiers in interventional stroke treatment | Prof. Marios Psychogios | Clinical Research | universitätsspital basel |
Fuanyi | AWATBOH | Improving Statistical Guidelines for Sample Size Calculation. Arms Management of Bayesian Adaptive Trials | Prof. Niklaus Labhardt | Clinical Research | Universitätsspital |
Peace | Ayeni | The South African Cervical Cancer Screening cohort (SACCS) study: improving cervical cancer control in women living in South Africa. | Prof. Julia Bohlius | Public Health/Epidemiology incl Insurance Medicine (Faculty of Medicine) | Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute. |
Alina | Baltensperger | Defining and overcoming the differences between human and murine immunity towards hookworms | Dr. Tiffany Bouchery | Microbiology | Swiss TPH |
Clemence | Bangta Samba | The human-dog relationship in Chadian society and its impact on canine rabies control in the implementation of a "One Health" approach in Chad. | Prof. Jakob Zinsstag | Public Health/Epidemiology incl Insurance Medicine (Faculty of Medicine) | Swiss TPH |
Clemence | BANGTA SAMBA | The human-dog relationship in chadian society on canine rabies control and its impact in the implementation of a One Health approach in Chad | Prof. Jakob Zinsstag | Public Health/Epidemiology incl Insurance Medicine (Faculty of Medicine) | Swiss TpH |
Julia | Beck | Urinary prostaglandins as potential predictive markers for thiazide-induced hyponatremia (TIH) | Prof. Mirjam Christ-Crain | Clinical Research | Endokrinologie, Diabetologie & Metabolismus |
Johanna | Beckmann | The effect of a school-based health intervention on nutritional status cognitive function and soil-transmitted helminth infections and associated risk factors in three African countries. | Markus Gerber | Sport Science | Department of Sport Exercise and Health (DSBG) |
Nadine | Beerli | Assessing frailty and mild cognitive impairment in adult kidney transplant recipients to predict biomedical and psychosocial health outcomes | Sabina M. De Geest | Nursing Science | Institute of Nursing Science INS |
Golou Louise | Bellai | Entomological monitoring and malaria vectors suscepttibility to insecticides in different ecological zones in Côte d'Ivoire | Prof. Jürg Utzinger | Epidemiology (Faculty of Science) | Swiss TPH |
Jonas | Bender | SkleroCARE | Prof. Arno Schmidt-Trucksäss | Clinical Research | Departement Sport, Bewegung und Gesundheit |
Selemawit | Beyene | Effects of Specialized Lactation Support on growth pattern of preterm and low-birth-weight infants in Ethiopia | Prof. Sonja Merten | Public Health/Epidemiology incl Insurance Medicine (Faculty of Medicine) | Swiss TPH |
Uta | Bieber | Effects of audiovisual recording of forensic mental health assessments on the participants and the forensic psychiatric report | Prof. Marc Graf | Clinical Research | Medical Faculty, University of Basel / UPKF Basel |
Maria | Bierlein | Understanding Hallucinations: A Predictive Processing Approach | Prof. Philipp Sterzer | Clinical Research | University Psychiatric Clinic Basel |
Melina | Bigler | Legionnaires' disease in Switzerland - a prospective national case-control and molecular source attribution study | Prof. Daniel Mäusezahl | Epidemiology (Faculty of Science) | Swiss TPH |
Catherine | Blatter | Association of Staffing Patterns and Resident Safety Outcomes in Nursing Homes: A Longitudinal Analysis using Routine Data (STARFISH) | Dr. Franziska Zuniga | Nursing Science | Institute of Nursing Science |
Anna | Boeker | Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD)-assisted Psychotherapy in alcohol use disorder | PD Felix Müller | Clinical Research | Faculty of Medicine, Klinischer Forschungsbereich für substanzgestützte Therapie |
Selim | Bouaouina | Understanding the within-host evolution of multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium tuberculosis | Prof. Sebastien Gagneux | Microbiology | Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute |
Sanda | Branca-Dragan | Application of advanced epidemiological and statistical methods in the Swiss Transplant Cohort Study (STCS) | Michael Koller MSc | Clinical Research | Faculty of Medicine University of Basel |
Curdin | Brugger | Health impact assessment of essential services in the context of humanitarian settings | Prof. Mirko Winkler | Public Health/Epidemiology incl Insurance Medicine (Faculty of Medicine) | Swiss TPH |
Fabienne | Bruggisser | Effects of exercise timing on strength and cardiometabolic health | Prof. Henner Hanssen | Sport Science | Department of Sport, Exercise and Health, University of Basel |
Kseniya | Bulativa | Arrhythmia and Inflammation | PD Philipp Krisai | Clinical Research | Universitätsspital Basel |
Barbara | Bürkin | Working title: Facilitating transformational change for health systems strengthening – Analysing practices and approaches of public health professionals to introducing change in professional practice | Ms. Katarzyna Czabanowska | Public Health/Epidemiology incl Insurance Medicine (Faculty of Medicine) | Department of International Health, Maastricht University |
Noëlle Laura | Burri | Investigating the molecular mechanisms of learning and memory with the model organism C. elegans | Prof. Andreas Papassotiropoulos | Clinical Research | Molecular Neuroscience, Department of Biomedicine |
Sofia | Calado | Development, implementation and evaluation of an eHealth-powered integrated care model for rheumatoid arthritis: Context analysis at the EU level and evaluation of the effectiveness of the SQUEEZE care model | Prof. Sabina M. De Geest | Nursing Science | Pflegewissenschaft - Nursing Science (INS) |
Alisa | Cantarero Fernandez | Steps towards a SENIOR-friendly Emergency Department: context-driven, systematic implementation mapping, and evaluation in a Swiss University Hospital (SeniorED) | Ms. Franziska Zúñiga | Nursing Science | Institute Nursing Science |
Sunsha | Chamakalayil | Neurocognitive Processes in Opioid Use Disorders | Mr. Serge Brand | Clinical Research | Department für Sport, Bewegung und Gesundheit |
Somaphone | CHANKONGSIN | Comprehensive evaluation of liver disease burden and risk factor in urban vientiane capital, Laos | Prof. Peter Odermatt | Epidemiology (Faculty of Science) | Swiss TPH |
Hüseyin | Cihan | Transgender Care in Endocrinology - Tracing the Evidence ''The TRACE Study'' | PD Bettina Winzeler | Clinical Research | University Hospital Basel |
Renate | de Bock | Neurophysiological and pharmacological aspects in the prediction and treatment of psychotic disorders | Christina Andreou | Clinical Research | Universitäre Psychiatrische Kliniken (UPK) Basel |
Nora | Denk | Characterization of the Ocular Structures of Non-human Primates assessed with Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) and Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography (OCTA) enhanced with Machine Learning (ML) | Prof. Hendrik Scholl | Clinical Research | Augenspital |
Artemiy | Dimov | Spill-over modelling of the B. thuringiensis-based control agents to agricultural production | Prof. Jakob Zinsstag | Epidemiology (Faculty of Science) | Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute |
Komenan Issa | Djanikro | Building on integration of POCT for newborn screening and early comprehensive and cost-effective care for sickle cell disease in Yopougon, Côte d'Ivoire | Prof. Fabrizio Tediosi | Public Health/Epidemiology incl Insurance Medicine (Faculty of Medicine) | Swiss TPH |
Rory | Doolan | Uncovering new therapies against Hookworms: a molecular to system approach | Dr. Tiffany Bouchery | Microbiology | MPI |
Javier | Dopico | The restorative potential of green spaces in noise-polluted environments | Prof. Martin Röösli | Epidemiology (Faculty of Science) | Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute |
Luisa | Eggenschwiler | Maternal and Neonatal Outcomes in Association with Midwifery Staffing – A Causal Inference Framework (MaNtiS) | Prof. Michael Simon | Nursing Science | Nursing Science (INS) |
Fatemeh | Ehteshami | System Effectiveness of Family Medicine’s Integrated Approach to Improve Non-Communicable Diseases in the COVID-19 Pandemic Era | Dr. Daniel Cobos | Public Health/Epidemiology incl Insurance Medicine (Faculty of Medicine) | Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute |
FRANCK KOKORA | EKOU | The relationship of social capital with mental health, quality of life and disease control in diabetes patients from Côte d’Ivoire | Prof. NICOLE PROBST | Epidemiology (Faculty of Science) | SWISS TPH |
Nicole | Engelmann | Assessing the Health Risk of Transportation Noise on a European and Global Level | Prof. Martin Röösli | Epidemiology (Faculty of Science) | Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute |
Adriana | Fernandes Veludo | Far-field exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields (RF-EMF) and implications to Health Related Quality of Life | Prof. Martin Röösli | Epidemiology (Faculty of Science) | Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute |
Justus | Fischer | Empagliflozin and NLRP-3-Inhibitor for the treatment of Postprandial Hypoglycemia in patients with Prediabetes | Prof. Marc Donath | Clinical Research | University Hospital Basel |
Eva | Fleischlin | High-intensity interval training in patients with glaucoma: effects on the retinal microcirculation | Prof. Henner Hanssen | Sport Science | Departement für Sport, Bewegung und Gesundheit |
Remo | Fortunato | The Impact of Heat on Home Care Workers' Health and the Effectiveness of Adaptation Strategies | Prof. Julia Dratva | Public Health/Epidemiology incl Insurance Medicine (Faculty of Medicine) | Institute of public health ZHAW |
Daniela | Fröhlich | Combined staff training in de-escalation and self-protection techniques in a psychiatric clinic: Effects on involuntary treatment fixations and ward atmosphere | Christian Huber | Clinical Research | Universit?re Psychiatrische Kliniken Basel |
Anaïs | Galli | Evaluating the effects of handwashing stations and hygiene promotion in primary health care facilities in the context of humanitarian emergencies | PD Mirko Winkler | Epidemiology (Faculty of Science) | Swiss TPH and Universität Basel |
Tegemeo | Gavana | Operational feasibility and impact of programmatically implementing council-based mosquito larviciding for malaria control in Tanzania. | Prof. Christian Lengeler | Public Health/Epidemiology incl Insurance Medicine (Faculty of Medicine) | Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute |
Felix | Gerber | Improving access to early initiation of antiretroviral therapy in persons living with HIV in resource-limited settings | Prof. Niklaus Labhardt | Clinical Research | SwissTPH |
Noemi | Glarner | Impact of cardiovascular medication on the prevention and treatment of Perioperative Myocardial Injury (PMI) in patients undergoing noncardiac surgery | Prof. Christian Müller | Clinical Research | University Hospital Basel |
Anouk Irina | Glättli | Enhancing Cognitive Performance in High-Stress Environments: Investigating a Cognitive and Physical Exercise Intervention and Underlying Physiological Mechanisms | Prof. Markus Gerber | Sport Science | Department of Sport, Exercise and Health |
Nuno | Gomes | Cerebral autoregulation and neurological outcomes in cardiac surgery | Prof. Luzius Steiner | Clinical Research | Clinic for Anaesthesia, Intermediate Care, Prehospital Emergency Medicine and Pain Therapy - University Hospital Basel |
Olga | Gorlanova | The role of autophagy related mechanisms in the lung development and its interaction with environment exposures | Prof. Urs Frey | Public Health/Epidemiology incl Insurance Medicine (Faculty of Medicine) | University Children Hospital Basel |
Beatriz | Graça | Novel insights into the sex-specific biology of Plasmodium Falciparum | Prof. Till Voss | Cell Biology | Swiss TPH |
Michelle | Haas | Exergaming and its effects on the motor-cognitive system in individuals in rehabilitation after musculoskeletal injury | PD Sebastian Ludyga | Sport Science | Psychosocial Health and Physical Activity |
Yvonne | Haas | More quality of life after breast cancer thanks to microsurgery | PD Elisabeth Kappos | Clinical Research | Department of Plastic Surgery USB |
Angela | Hellingman | Development of an in vitro triple combination assay for antimalarial drug discovery based on in vitro parasite reduction ratio assay | Dr. Matthias Rottmann | Microbiology | Swiss TPH MPI-PCU-MMV |
Kristen | Hinckley | Early Childhood Development - Supporting Caregivers | Dr. Günther Fink | Public Health/Epidemiology incl Insurance Medicine (Faculty of Medicine) | Swiss TPH |
Eva | Hollenstein | Evaluation of Suicide Prevention Measures in Integrated Service Delivery Models in Swiss Psychiatric Settings | Mr. Kaspar Wyss | Public Health/Epidemiology incl Insurance Medicine (Faculty of Medicine) | Swiss TPH |
Sarah | Holzer | Health economic evaluation of a scalable nurse-led care model (INTERCARE) effective in reducing unplanned hospitalisations in Swiss residential long-term care facilities, focusing on the cost-effectiveness analysis of two sets of implementation strategies | Prof. Franziska Zúñiga | Nursing Science | Nursing Science |
Andrea | Ilic | Social Climate in Correctional Settings | Ms. Mark Graf | Clinical Research | UPKF |
Phyllis | Isaiah | Epidemiology of Paediatric Schistosomiasis in Hard-to-Reach populations of Homabay County, Kenya | PD Peter Steinmann | Epidemiology (Faculty of Science) | Swiss TPH |
Galya Clara | Iseli | Gut microbiota – hippocampus synergisms in nonclinical subjects with high positive schizotypy | PD André Schmidt | Clinical Research | University Psychiatric Clinics Department of Clinical Research |
Lucca | Jaeckel | Serotonergic Manipulation of Perceptual decision-making | Prof. Philipp Sterzer | Clinical Research | UPK Basel / Medical Faculty |
Fabienne | Jaun | Severe Asthma in Switzerland- learn from real life data and how to improve the patients symptom control | Prof. Jörg Daniel Leuppi | Clinical Research | Kantonsspital Baselland |
Jiang | Assess the Health Impact of Tranquillity in Europe | Prof. Martin Röösli | Epidemiology (Faculty of Science) | Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute | |
Natalie | Johnson | A Peer Group Intervention For Mental Health Among PWH In Lesotho | Dr. Jennifer Belus | Clinical Research | University of Basel |
Nandi | Joubert | Effect of a workplace health intervention programme on risk factors for non-communicable diseases, health behaviours and psychosocial health of teachers in disadvantaged communities of Port Elizabeth, South Africa: The KaziHealth Project | Prof. Jürg Utzinger | Public Health/Epidemiology incl Insurance Medicine (Faculty of Medicine) | Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute |
Seyram | Kaali | Prospective Cohort Study on Early Life Household Air Pollution Exposure and Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Childhood | Prof. Martin Roosli | Epidemiology (Faculty of Science) | Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute |
Denis | Kailembo | Evaluation of implementation of community-based larval source management in Tanzania | Prof. Christian Lengeler | Epidemiology (Faculty of Science) | Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute |
Sirée | Kämpfen | Predictive value of heart rate variability on cardiorespiratory events of preterm infants routinely immunised in the hospital | Sven Schulzke | Clinical Research | Neonatology Universtity Children's Hospital Basel UKBB |
Saskia | Kamphuis | Interventional sonography for hand and upper extremity conditions | Prof. Dirk Schaefer | Clinical Research | University Hospital Basel |
Josefin | Kaufmann | Antithrombotic treatment in cervical artery dissection patients | Prof. Stefan Engelter | Clinical Research | Universitätsspital Basel |
Michael | Ketzer | Associations between Nurse Staffing and Quality of Care in Swiss Psychiatric Hospitals: A Project of the Multi-center Observational MatchRN Psychiatry Study (“Matching registered nurse services with changing care demands in psychiatric hospitals”) | Prof. Michael Simon | Nursing Science | Institute of Nursing Science (INS) |
VISAL | KHIEU | Determining the burden of helminthiases of public health importance in Cambodia using next generation diagnostics | Prof. Peter Odermatt | Epidemiology (Faculty of Science) | Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute |
Stephanie | Khoury | Maternal and Child Health Epidemiology | Dr. Jordyn Wallenborn | Public Health/Epidemiology incl Insurance Medicine (Faculty of Medicine) | Swiss TPH |
Daniel | Kipo | CANCER INCIDENCE AND SURVIVAL IN PEOPLE LIVING WITH OR WITHOUT HIV IN SOUTH AFRICA AND TANZANIA: A PROBABILISTIC AND DETERMINISTIC RECORD LINKAGE APPROACH | Prof. Julia Bohlius | Public Health/Epidemiology incl Insurance Medicine (Faculty of Medicine) | Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute |
Hélène | Kirchhoffer | Integrated care in the Jura region of Switzerland: mixed method research for process and outcome analysis of a new service delivery model | Prof. Kaspar Wyss | Epidemiology (Faculty of Science) | SwissTPH |
Madeleine | Kirschstein | Emerging Technologies in Forensic and Correctional Mental Health | Prof. Marc Graf | Clinical Research | Universität Basel |
Christos | Kokaliaris | Spatio-temporal patterns and burden estimates of childhood diseases in Africa. | Penelope Vounatsou | Epidemiology (Faculty of Science) | Swiss TPH |
Anastasia | Korezelidou | Implementation evaluation of a community-based integrated care model for home-dwelling frail older adults: the INSPIRE care model | Prof. Sabina De Geest | Nursing Science | Institute of Nursing Science |
Agim | Krasniqi | Antibiotic use and antibiotic resistance in the primary health care setting in Kosovo | PD Esther Künzli | Public Health/Epidemiology incl Insurance Medicine (Faculty of Medicine) | Swiss TPH |
Charlotte | Krawczyk | Preclinical studies to obtain a better understanding and improving translation of anthelminthics | Prof. Jennifer Keiser | Cell Biology | Swiss TPH |
Jan-Niklas | Kreppke | Physical activity and cardiovascular health in in-patients with major depressive disorders: Effects of one year lifestyle physical activity counselling | Oliver Faude | Sport Science | Department of Sport Exercise and Health |
Noëmi | Künstle | Differences in markers of oxidative stress response, autophagy, cellular senescence and remodeling in cord blood in preterm infants compared to term infants and their correlation with air pollution and lung function | Prof. Urs Frey | Public Health/Epidemiology incl Insurance Medicine (Faculty of Medicine) | UKBB |
Malenka | Kunz | Studying host-pahtogen interactions of Leishmania in a novel in vitro model | Prof. Pascal Mäser | Cell Biology | Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute |
Liezl | Launspach | Virtual Reality in Forensic Mental Health. | Dr. Cyril Boonmann | Clinical Research | UPK |
Romina | Ledergerber | Neuromuscular and morphological adaptations to resistance training in prepubertal children | Prof. Oliver Faude | Sport Science | Department of Sport, exercise and Health |
Tristan | Lee | Harnessing the potential of longitudinal observational datasets to improve patient care management | Prof. Niklaus Labhardt | Public Health/Epidemiology incl Insurance Medicine (Faculty of Medicine) | University Hospital Basel |
Svenja | Leibnitz | Effect of intranasal oxytocin on emotion recognition and acute psycho-social stress-induced cortisol increase in patients with central diabetes insipidus and healthy controls | Prof. Mirjam Christ-Crain | Clinical Research | University Hospital Basel, Department of Endocrinology |
Jeanne | Lemant | Identifying key drivers of vector control effectiveness and supporting malaria decision-making through dynamical modelling | Prof. Christian Lengeler | Epidemiology (Faculty of Science) | Swiss TPH |
Malebanye | Lerotholi | Improving care through patient-centered eHealth support in adult chronic care in Lesotho | Prof. Niklaus Labhardt | Clinical Research | University of Basel |
Eric | Lichtenstein | Agility training in to combat frailty in the elderly | Oliver Faude | Sport Science | Departement of Sport Exercise and Health |
Yuling | Lin | Health and Economic Impact of Strategies to Eliminate Neglected Tropical Diseases: The Cases of Soil-Transmitted Helminthiasis and Schistosomiasis | Prof. Fabrizio Tediosi | Epidemiology (Faculty of Science) | Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, University of Basel |
Vera Nina | Looser | Influence of physical activity and cardiovascular fitness on the association of chronic stress and neurocognitive correlates of memory | Prof. Markus Gerber | Sport Science | Department of Sport, Exercise, and Health (DSBG), University of Basel |
Theopista | Lotto | Evaluation of the antimicrobial pressure among children in Tanzania | Prof. Christian Lengeler | Epidemiology (Faculty of Science) | Swiss TPH |
Sibylle | Lustenberger | Relationship of socio-economic status and childhood health with farming decisions in cocoa smallholder farming in the Taabo region of Côte d'Ivoire | Prof. Günther Fink | Epidemiology (Faculty of Science) | EPH |
Sven | Lustenberger | Age-related changes of vasopressin regulation in hypo- and hyperosmotic states | Prof. Mirjam Christ-Crain | Clinical Research | Department of Endocrinology, University Hospital Basel |
Amilcar | Magaço | The contribution and use of child mortality data to inform interventions at health facility and community level in Mozambique | PD Fabrizio Tediosi | Public Health/Epidemiology incl Insurance Medicine (Faculty of Medicine) | Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute |
Abouzaid | Mahmoud | Longitudinal quality assessment of a modern district hospital in Cameroon | Prof. Nicole Probst-Hensch | Epidemiology (Faculty of Science) | Swiss TPH |
Alina | Makeeva | Identification of novel therapeutic targets in oncogenic signaling pathways in mastocytosis | Prof. Karin Hartmann | Clinical Research | University of Basel |
Moshao | Makhele | prevalence of ncds in HIV positive clients in lesotho | Prof. Niklaus Labhardt | Clinical Research | university of Basel |
Aleksandra | Maleska Maceski | Development of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) as a biomarker specific for multiple sclerosis progression and identification of novel progression-related proteins | Prof. Jens Kuhle | Clinical Research | Department of Biomedicine |
MSILIKALE WALTER | MANYIRI | Socioeconomic status, Early Life Morbidity, and Neurocognitive Functioning: A Longitudinal Evidence from Bagamoyo, Tanzania | Prof. Günther Fink | Epidemiology (Faculty of Science) | Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute |
Valerie | March | Within-host evolution of drug resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis | Prof. Sebastien Gagneux | Cell Biology | Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute |
Alexis | Martin | Impact of climate change on the spread of malaria | PD Penelope Vounatsou | Epidemiology (Faculty of Science) | Swiss TPH |
Tania | Martins | Home care quality practices and safety climate: Exploration of factors associated with patient and health services outcomes | Dr. Franziska Zuniga | Nursing Science | Institute of Nursing Science |
SIZEKA | MASHELE | Evaluation of Cervical Cancer Screening Programmes in South Africa (2005─2023): Bridging Gaps and Guiding Policy Decisions | Prof. Julia Bohlius | Public Health/Epidemiology incl Insurance Medicine (Faculty of Medicine) | Swiss TPH |
Lolita | Matiashova | Effects of olfactory odour stimulation on energy expenditure and metabolism in obese and lean individuals | Prof. Katharina Timper | Clinical Research | University of Basel |
Niklaus | Meier | Cost-Effectiveness and Health Valuation Studies for the Swiss Health Care System | Prof. Thomas Szucs | Public Health/Epidemiology incl Insurance Medicine (Faculty of Medicine) | European Center of Pharmaceutical Medicine |
Flurina | Meier Schwarzer | Health care utilization and loneliness of communitydwelling elderly persons | Prof. Nicole Probst-Hensch | Public Health/Epidemiology incl Insurance Medicine (Faculty of Medicine) | Department Epidemiology and Public Health, SwissTPH |
Chiara | Minotti | Innovative strategies for prevention and management of infection in neonatal intensive care units. | Dr. Julia Bielicki | Clinical Research | Universitäts-Kinderspital beider Basel |
Stefan Johannes | Mitterer | Specialised Paediatric PAlliativE CaRe: Assessing Economic and health system outcomes in a multi-site context of various care settings (SPhAERA-E) | Michael Simon | Nursing Science | Institute of Nursing Science |
Daniela | Montero Salas | Analysis of the genotyping methodologies to distinguish reinfection from recrudescence applied to the clinical development of new antimalarial treatments | Dr. Christian Nsanzabana | Microbiology | Swiss TPH |
Aurora | Monticelli | Engaging older persons in the community to promote frailty prevention and reduce social isolation (ENGAGE) | Prof. Franziska Zuniga | Nursing Science | Nursing Science |
Nosihle | Msomi | Molecular epidemiology and antigenic evolution of seasonal human coronaviruses | Dr. Emma Hodcroft | Epidemiology (Faculty of Science) | Swiss TPH |
Julian | Muff | Novel Treatment Methods for Pediatric Short Bowel Syndrome | PD Raphael Vuille-dit-Bille | Clinical Research | UKBB |
Altiona | Muho | Long term sustainability of health system’s program interventions | PD Peter Steinmann | Epidemiology (Faculty of Science) | Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute |
Jan | Müller | Effectiveness evaluation of a community-based integrated care model for frail home-dwelling older adults: the INSPIRE care model | Ms. Sabina De Geest | Nursing Science | Nursing Science |
Jan | Müller | Effectiveness evaluation of a community-based integrated care model for frail home-dwelling older adults: the INSPIRE care model | Prof. Sabina De Geest | Nursing Science | Nursing Science |
Catherine Bakari | Mvaa | Genome-wide analysis of variations in Plasmodium falciparum parasites population across different malaria transmission zones in Tanzania. | Prof. Pascal Maser | Epidemiology (Faculty of Science) | SWISSTPH/Basel |
Annette | Nageleisen-Weiss | Peter Weber | Clinical Research | Universitäts-Kinderspital beider Basel UKBB | |
Chi Ndum | Naomi | Effects of Egg Burden of Schistosoma haematobium and Schistosoma mansoni on metabolic parameters | Prof. Jürg Utzinger | Epidemiology (Faculty of Science) | Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute |
Robert | Ndege | Tackling unsolved issues of the dual epidemic of HIV and Tuberculosis: Envisioning 2030 | Prof. Maja Weisser | Public Health/Epidemiology incl Insurance Medicine (Faculty of Medicine) | Faculty of Medicine, University of Basel |
Ipyn Eric | Nebie | Clinical trials improvement: Lessons learned from poverty related diseases drugs development | Prof. Christian Burri | Public Health/Epidemiology incl Insurance Medicine (Faculty of Medicine) | Swiss TPH |
Nadia | Neuner-Jehle | Global Phylodynamics and Antigenic Evolution of Non-Polio Enteroviruses | Prof. Emma Hodcroft | Epidemiology (Faculty of Science) | Swiss TPH |
Claudia | Nguyen | Temporal and Spatial Distribution of ESBL-producing Enterobacterales (excluding E. coli) – Local Insights and International Context Over a 20-Year Period | Prof. Sarah Tschudin | Clinical Research | University Hospital Basel |
Kieu Anh Thi | Nguyen | Expanding indications for endovascular therapy in stroke | Prof. Marios-Nikos Psychogios | Clinical Research | Department of Neuroradiology |
Magdalena | Osińska | Development and implementation of a program to improve data quality of the national quality indicators in Swiss long-term care facilities. | Prof. Franziska Zúñiga | Nursing Science | Institute of Nursing Science |
Babatunde | Owolodun | Foodways in West Africa; Time Trends and Diversity of Food Consumption Pattern in Senegal | PD Sonja Merten | Public Health/Epidemiology incl Insurance Medicine (Faculty of Medicine) | Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute |
Lita | Palomares Estrada | Promoting healthy nutrition and physical activity in Peruvian children - Development and validation of an intervention program | Dr. Julia Dratva | Public Health/Epidemiology incl Insurance Medicine (Faculty of Medicine) | Swiss TPH / Institute of Health Sciences at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW) |
Luis | Palomo-Cordero | Pesticide exposure, respiratory and allergic outcomes among women and children living in a banana growing region in Costa Rica: results from the ISA cohort study. | Mr. Luis Palomo-Cordero | Epidemiology (Faculty of Science) | Swiss TPH |
Mirjam | Pargger | Implement-PMI | Prof. Christian Müller | Clinical Research | Cardiovascular Research Institute Basel (CRIB) |
Nora | Peduzzi | Being Part and Having Part: Participation of Older People Living with Home Care – an Ethnographic Enquiry | Prof. Franziska Zúñiga | Nursing Science | Nursing Science |
Anouk | Petitpierre | Health Effects of Occupational and Environmental Exposure to Pesticide Mixtures in Low- & Middle-Income Countries and Switzerland | Prof. Samuel Fuhrimann | Epidemiology (Faculty of Science) | Swiss TPH |
Camila | Pitasi Arguelhes | Improving diagnosis and treatment in giant cell arteritis and polymyalgia rheumatica: the role of quantitative US and steroid metabolism | Prof. Thomas Daikeler | Clinical Research | Basel University Hospital |
Milica | Popovic | The Role of Interleukin-1 in the Pathophysiology of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome | Mirjam Christ-Crain | Clinical Research | University Hospital Basel |
Niveditha | Putananickal | Migraine treatment with exogenous ketone bodies- a randomised placebo-controlled double-blind cross-over study | Dirk Fischer | Clinical Research | UKBB |
Nurudeen | Rahman | Associations between intestinal helminth colonization and gut microbial composition across three lowand middle-income countries and their Implications in immune homeostasis | Prof. Jennifer Keiser | Microbiology | Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute |
Magdalena | Ridder | Working Memory in Depression: Effects of Fampridine and ECT | Prof. Annette Brühl | Clinical Research | University Psychiatric Clinics (UPK) Basel |
Tabea | Rocco | Addressing the support-needs of frontline staff in dealing with individuals with a sexual interest in children to prevent child sexual abuse | Prof. Marc Graf | Clinical Research | UPK, Klinik für Forensik |
Venus Marie | Rojas | NA | Prof. Sebastien Gagneux | Microbiology | Swiss TPH |
Ioana-Catalina | Roman | The Effectiveness Evaluation of the HEROES Transitional Care Program for Adolescents and Young Adults with a Rheumatic Disease Moving from Pediatric to Adult Settings in Switzerland | Prof. Sabina De Geest | Nursing Science | Institute of Nursing Science, Basel |
Daniel | Salunga | Local government policies and practices on sustainable food systems and their effects on food security and nutrition outcomes in the Philippines | Dr. Kaspar Wyss | Public Health/Epidemiology incl Insurance Medicine (Faculty of Medicine) | Swiss TPH |
Talia | Salzmann | Sustainability of digital health interventions | Prof. Kaspar Wyss | Epidemiology (Faculty of Science) | Swiss TPH |
Nekane | Sandoval Diez | Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Field (RF-EMF) exposure assessment and characterization from a planetary health perspective | Prof. Martin Röösli | Epidemiology (Faculty of Science) | Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute |
Lea | Saringer-Hamiti | Development and evaluation of a scalable nurse-led care model (INTERCARE) effective in reducing unplanned hospitalisations with focus on two sets of implementation strategies | Prof. Franziska Zúñiga | Nursing Science | Institut for Nursing Science |
Nikita | Sass | Tackling nosocomial infections in low-income countries – elaboration and validation of an infection control package in Zimbabwe and Lesotho | Prof. Niklaus Labhardt | Public Health/Epidemiology incl Insurance Medicine (Faculty of Medicine) | Department of Clinical Research, Clinical Epidemiology, Public Health & Health Systems |
Vanthanom | Savathdy | Epidemiologic consequences of anaemia related to the intensity of parasitic helminth infection, nutrition status, diet and WASH among general population age 5-75 years old in Savanakhet province. | Prof. Peter Odermatt | Public Health/Epidemiology incl Insurance Medicine (Faculty of Medicine) | Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute |
Vanthanom | Savathdy | Epidemiologic consequences of anaemia related to the intensity of parasitic helminth infection, nutrition status, anaemia, diet and WASH among general population age 5-75 years old in Savanakhet province. | Mr. Vanthanom SAVATHDY | Epidemiology (Faculty of Science) | Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute |
Renion | Saye | Application and evaluation of rapid diagnostic tests for the detection of pathogens giving rise to persistent digestive disorders in Mali | Jürg Utzinger | Epidemiology (Faculty of Science) | Institut National de Recherche en Sante Publique |
Anastasia | Schärer | Towards Combinational Drug Therapies – In-depth characterization of Emodepside | Dr. Jennifer Keiser | Microbiology | Swiss TPH |
Lisa | Schiess | Non-pharmacological interventions for family caregivers of cancer patients | Prof. Maria Katapodi | Clinical Research | Faculty of Medicine |
Chloé | Schlaeppi | Neonatology-specific infection prevention and control (NeoIPC) | PD Julia Bielicki | Clinical Research | University of Basel Children's Hospital (UKBB) |
Jalisse | Schmid | Investigating the Impact of Social Media Use on Symptoms of Depression among Adolescents and Emerging Adults: A Multi-Method Approach | Prof. Christina Stadler | Clinical Research | University of Basel and UPK Basel |
Sarah | Schmidiger | Human in vitro granulomas to dissect tuberculosis protective immune traits and assess drug candidates for tailored adjunct host-directed therapy | Dr. Damien Portevin | Cell Biology | Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute; University of Basel |
Raphael | Schoch | Effects of a high-intensity interval training on cardiovascular capacity in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction | Prof. Arno Schmidt-Trucksäss | Sport Science | DSBG |
Christof | Schönenberger | Tackling cardiovascular risk factors in Swiss people living with HIV using the “Trials Within Cohort” design | Prof. Matthias Briel | Clinical Research | Institute for Clinical Epidemiology |
Kean | Schönholzer | retinal markers of progression in multiple sclerosis | PD Athina Papadopoulou | Clinical Research | Neurology (University Hospital Basel) |
Valentin | Schuhmann | High-intensity interval training in patients with glaucoma: effects on disease progression and systemic cardiovascular risk | Prof. Henner Hanssen | Sport Science | DSBG |
Johannes | SCHWENKE | Routine use of circulating tumor DNAto improve quality of life and survival for patients with advanced malignancies - a randomized trial using routinely collected data | Prof. Matthias Briel | Clinical Research | University Hospial Basel, Clinical Epidemiology |
Lukas | Sempach | D-Serine: Clinical and neural treatment effects in depression | PD André Schmidt | Clinical Research | Faculty of Psychology, Cognitive Neuroscience |
Leon | Separautzki | Responses and diversity of γδ T cell subsets in Malaria exposed volunteers | Prof. Claudia Daubenberger | Microbiology | SwissTPH |
Narayan | Sharma | Investigation of safety tipping points in Swiss hospitals using routine data | Michael Simon | Nursing Science | Institute of Nursing Science |
Serena | Sibilio | Implementing new medical quality indicators in the Swiss residential long-term care setting | Prof. Franziska Zuniga | Nursing Science | Institute of Nursing Science |
Soukvixay | Sikhanxay | Strategy Assessment to Strengthen the Mortality Information System via Capturing Cancer Death Information and Cause of Death Statistics in Lao People's Democratic Republic | Mr. Peter Odermatt | Public Health/Epidemiology incl Insurance Medicine (Faculty of Medicine) | Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute |
Taru | Singhal | Modeling the impact of novel vector interventions on malaria control | Dr. Nakul Chitnis | Epidemiology (Faculty of Science) | Swiss TPH |
Arianna | Snijders | An economic evaluation of strategies for sleeping sickness elimination in the DRC | Mr. Fabrizio Tediosi | Public Health/Epidemiology incl Insurance Medicine (Faculty of Medicine) | Swiss TPH |
Séverine | Soiron | Participation of Older People Living in Residential Long-term Care (RLTC) - An Ethno- graphic Exploration and Analysis | Prof. Franziska Zúñiga | Nursing Science | Institute of Nursing Science |
Margareth | Somba | Community and Health System factors that influence communities’ early Cervical Cancer screening and treatment acceptability in Kilombero District, Tanzania | PD Sonja Merten | Public Health/Epidemiology incl Insurance Medicine (Faculty of Medicine) | SwissTPH |
Viviane | Sprecher | Exploring the clinical potential of novel treatment options against neglected tropical helminthiases | Prof. Jennifer Keiser | Epidemiology (Faculty of Science) | Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute |
Peter | Ssekkadde | The impact of interventions and farming practices on the health and well-being of smallholder farmer families in Uganda | Dr. Samuel Furihmann | Epidemiology (Faculty of Science) | Swiss TPH |
Laura | Stütz | Measurement of Respiratory Parameters during and after Exercise by Common Earphones to Improve Training Prescription and Monitoring | PD Raphael Knaier | Sport Science | University of Basel / Faculty of Medicine / Department of Sport, Exercise and Health |
Kassimu | Tani | Assessing governance of social health protection strategies and polices on chronic diseases conditions in Tanzania | PD Fabrizio Tediosi | Public Health/Epidemiology incl Insurance Medicine (Faculty of Medicine) | Swiss TPH |
Laura | Tincknell | “E-media use of adolescents and mental health: a prospective cohort study” | Prof. Martin Rössli | Public Health/Epidemiology incl Insurance Medicine (Faculty of Medicine) | Swiss TPH |
Anna | Toebak | AtheroGEnic LipoprotEinS in Ischemic Stroke and PROtective Factors: The AGELESS-PRO Study | Prof. Gian Marco De Marchis | Clinical Research | Neurology Department, USB |
Wiebke | Turner | Association between Heart Rate Variability and Physical Activity in the Treatment of Exhaustion as a Component of Stress-Related Disorders | Prof. Arno Schmidt-Trucksäss | Sport Science | Department of Sport, Exercise and Health |
Eric Phillip | Twomey | “Assessing the Health Impacts of Ultrafine Particles: A Multimodal Approach Using In-Situ, Remote Sensing and Cohort Data” | Prof. Marloes Eeftens | Epidemiology (Faculty of Science) | SwissTPH |
Sarah | Ulrich | The inner workings of electroconvulsive Therapy | Prof. Annette Brühl | Clinical Research | University Psychiatric Clinics (UPK) Basel |
Sonephet | Vantava | Improving appropriate antimicrobial use by 30% among women during pregnancy, childbirth, and postpartum and among children under five years of age in Lao PDR | Prof. Peter Odermatt | Public Health/Epidemiology incl Insurance Medicine (Faculty of Medicine) | Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute |
Luis Gerardo Odilio | Velez Nandayapa | Christoph R. Meier | Epidemiology (Faculty of Science) | Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences University of Basel | |
Marek | Veneny | Evaluation of Medication Adherence in Allogeneic Stem Cell Transplantation & Development and Completion of Process Evaluation for SMILe Project | Prof. Sabina de Geest | Nursing Science | of Nursing Sciences |
Valentin Jaki | Waibl | Associations between objective sleep markers and EMF exposure among adolescents | Prof. Martin Röösli | Epidemiology (Faculty of Science) | Swiss TPH |
Pema | Wangchuk | Epidemiological profile of Neglected Tropical Diseases, specifically focused on Cystic Echinococcosis, clinical management, infection risk, prevention and control in Bhutan through One Health approach | Prof. Jakob Zinsstag | Epidemiology (Faculty of Science) | Swiss Tropical & Public Health Institute |
Christina | Wettengl | Development, implementation and evaluation of an eHealth-powered integrated care model for rheumatoid arthritis (RA): Context analysis of the Swiss RA care setting and evaluation of the implementation of the SQUEEZE care model | Prof. Sabina De Geest | Nursing Science | Nursing Science |
Linda | Wienands | Exploring ethical aspects in the qualitative process evaluation of eHealth (as a part of the DARE project) | Prof. Sabina M. De Geest | Nursing Science | Nursing Science (INS) |
Andréa | Williams | Integrating HIV Prevention and Care into Chronic Disease Services in Lesotho | PD Niklaus Labhardt | Public Health/Epidemiology incl Insurance Medicine (Faculty of Medicine) | Division of Clinical Epidemiology |
Irina | Wipf | The association between radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposure and cognition, behavior and health related quality of life | Prof. Martin Röösli | Epidemiology (Faculty of Science) | Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute |
Tian | Xie | Characterization of the metastatic process in neuroblastoma: Platform for drug response assessment in rare tumor disease. | Prof. Stephanie Gros | Clinical Research | UKBB |
Grace | Yoon | Couples mental health intervention in LMIC setting (Couples-mhGAP) | Dr. Jennifer Belus | Public Health/Epidemiology incl Insurance Medicine (Faculty of Medicine) | USB |
Annaelle | Zietz | Outcome predictors in patients with stroke and atrial fibrillation treated with oral anticoagulants | Prof. Nils Peters | Clinical Research | Neurology |
First Name | Last Name | Title of PhD thesis | Supervisor Name | Discipline | Institute |