PPHS Courses

Courses offered by PPHS

On this page, you can find the courses offered by PPHS. If you want to see (a selection of) external course offers, or a list of external course offers, please go to the page “Training Offers Overview

  • The courses are ordered on the starting date; please note that not all exact dates are known

You can recommend the course “How to be a good supervisor” to your PhD supervisor.

Research Integrity 2.0

Category: Methods

Next course:
01.01.2025 - 31.12.2025

Format: Online

This online course offered by the University of Basel provides a basic introduction to the most important topics in research integrity and can contribute to the establishment of a culture of good scientific practice and research integrity at the University of Basel. It is important to emphasise that such a

Meet to Write

Category: Transferable Skills

Next course:
28.02.2025 -

ECTS: Optional
Format: Online

Meet to Write is a tailor-made framework of weekly 3h sessions to support PhD researchers in developing their writing style and habits that will guide them towards completion of manuscripts such as: • Publications • PhD proposals or PhD thesis • Memos or reflections • Science communication articles, blog entries

Good Scientific Conduct in Health Sciences

Category: Transferable Skills

Next course:
17.02.2025 - 26.05.2025

Format: Onsite

This course provides students with an overview of, and guidance on, what constitutes Good Scientific Practice in Health Sciences, including code of good conduct, definitions of scientific misconduct, rules for authorship on scientific publications, plagiarism, and gender/cultural issues in scientific collaborations.

Next course:
20.02.2025 - 22.05.2025

Format: Onsite

Latest Breakthroughs in Biomedical Engineering Research; various topics

Next course:
24.02.2025 - 19.12.2025

Format: Online

As a PhD candidate, you face many challenges: deliver first-class research that will qualify you to get the PhD degree, organise your own project, manage time and resources, facilitate cooperation with collaborators, cope with unexpected processes in your research, publish papers, write a thesis, and many more. This online program

Writing a research paper in 12 weeks or less

Category: Transferable Skills

Next course:
04.03.2025 - 03.06.2025

Format: Online

Writing a scientific article is a systematic process that can be learned and improved with guidance and training. The course provides hands-on training, applicable to quantitative scientific papers. Participants are expected to bring the analyses of their own data. They will receive guidance on how to develop each manuscript section

Next course:
06.03.2025 - 10.04.2025

Format: Onsite

This course familiarizes participants with the essential statistical principles clinical publications are commonly based on. Participants disentangle the reported statistics in a number of high-ranking publications from both experimental and observational medical studies. By learning to understand the statistical principles that underlie these diverse publications, participants acquire the skills to

Writing a PhD thesis proposal in Health Sciences

Category: Transferable Skills

Next course:
02.04.2025 - 28.05.2025

Format: Onsite

PhD students at the Medical Faculty and the Swiss TPH must write a thesis proposal within the first six months after registration as a PhD student at the University of Basel. In support, PPHS offers a course in writing a PhD thesis proposal in collaboration with supervisors. The training focuses

Meet to Write Retreat 2025

Category: Transferable Skills

Next course:
04.04.2025 - 04.04.2025

Format: Onsite

With this retreat, we are bringing Meet to Write participants and other writers from our program together in person to write, learn and celebrate our writing community. Attendees will enjoy dedicated time and space for focused scientific writing, including opportunities for input, discussion, peer- and expert feedback, and revision. After

Next course:
07.05.2025 - 21.05.2025

Format: Onsite

In this course, you will learn the programming techniques to make the most of this powerful tool for processing, analysing and presenting your data. Please note that basic statistical knowledge is required. You will analyse data by writing functions and scripts to get reproducible and well documented results. You will

Next course:
12.05.2025 - 12.05.2025

ECTS: 0*
Format: Onsite

Evidence-based decision-making requires a systematic review and appraisal of the currently available literature. As such, systematic reviews as critical stand-alone research projects inform decisions from various fields, especially in the clinical and public health sectors. Furthermore, as part of grant applications, health sciences publications in high-impact journals, and ethical approvals

Summer School 2025: Science Communication

Category: Transferable Skills

Next course:
23.06.2025 - 27.06.2025

Format: Onsite

Communicating scientific results is an essential part of research. A significant aspect of this communication involves engaging public audiences. Therefore, science communication is a key skill that all PhD students must develop during their training. In this Summer School, you will learn about science communication through lectures, workshops, and by

Academic Writing in the Health Sciences

Category: Transferable Skills

Next course:

ECTS: 1 + 3 optional
Format: Onsite

Communicating research results in international peer-review journals is a critical aspect of scientific education and work. Preparing manuscripts for publication is a key skill acquired during PhD training. Concise writing and careful journal consideration greatly increase the chance of successful academic publishing. This workshop provides background information and training on

Next course:

Format: Onsite

Proper research data management (RDM) is becoming an important prerequisite for the successful approval and execution of research projects. This two-day course will provide you with the essential knowledge and skills to enhance the management of the research data in your PhD project, with a specific focus on documenting data

Next course:

ECTS: 1 + 1 optional
Format: Onsite, Hybrid/blended

Evidence-based decision-making requires a systematic review and appraisal of the currently available evidence. Systematic reviews as part of grant applications, clinical trial publications in high-impact journals, and ethical approvals do not just improve the chances of acceptance but are often a pre-requisite. This course offers a theoretical introduction to literature

Next course:

ECTS: 1-2
Format: Onsite

A profound understanding of research methodology is a key requisite for conducting scientific research and for the critical assessment of research results. As in any field of science, the methods applied in Health Research evolve continuously and rapidly. This course provides the participating students with a basic overview of the

Next course:

Format: Online

The majority of PhD holders leave academia and choose one of the many job options outside research. Many young scientists struggle with finding their own career path and they rarely take the time to reflect on what kind of work they would actually like to do, on what their values,