PhD Guide
Before, during, and at the end of your PhD you might have many questions. The goal of this page is to help you find answers and to provide links with useful information. The page is ordered in three stages around the PhD timeline: start, during and, finish.
Do you think information is missing? Help us to expand this page! You can find our contact information here.
Academic writing is an essential skill during the PhD studies. Right at the beginning of your PhD, it starts by writing the obligatory PhD proposal. In the following years, you will need to write your papers and finally your PhD thesis.
We encourage students to start writing as early as possible and to help you in the process, we created a whole page on Academic Writing.
Talk to your peers!
Meet other students at the PPHS networking events, reach out to the student representatives.
A good starting point to find relevant information is the page Doctoral Candidates by the University of Basel.
Relevant information
What does your faculty expect from you?
- Information for the Faculty of Medicine
- Information for the Faculty of Science
Information guides
- “Getting your Thesis off to a Good Start – Guide for Doctoral Students”
- “Shaping a Doctorate Together – Guidelines for Doctoral Candidates”
- Tips & tricks for a successful doctorate (avuba)
For your supervisor
- “Shaping a Doctorate Together – Guidelines for Supervisors”
English / German - Information by the Graduate Center (GRACE)
- PPHS Workshop for PhD advisors
Relevant information
What does your faculty expect from you?
- Information for the Faculty of Medicine
- Information for the Faculty of Science
Relevant websites
Advisory Service of the University of Basel (career focused)
Advice & Emergencies of the University of Basel (general)
List of Advisory Services by GRACE
Avuba: events, free legal advice, funding for projects, job portals
GRACE: Graduate Center of the University of Basel
Research data management
Support from the Research Data Management Network (planning, organizing, storing, preserving, sharing, publishing, etc.)
Digital Tools
Edutools from the University of Basel offers IT (information) for teaching and studies
Project Neptun offers hardware (laptops) and software (e.g. anti-virus) at reduced prices (twice a year) for university students.
Software offers, e.g. EndNote, Matlab, SPSS, Microsoft Office.
Family services
The page “family services” of the University of Basel offers a lot of information regarding parenting during your PhD (or academic career in general). For information and advice, you can reach out directly to Patrica Zweifel, deputy head of Diversity.
The “information brochure on parenthood and university” is intended for all employed parents (to-be) and supervisors and sets out important information.
If you’d like to get in touch with other PPHS parents, please write us a message.
Doc.Mobility@unibas grants are aimed at doctoral students who wish to improve their scientific profile at a research institute abroad. Submission deadlines: 1 March and 1 September.
Psychological support
- Walk-in psychological help for everyone
- COMPASS Mind Switzerland – Navigating through academia in a healthy way
- Schedule for determining the co-author list based on effort and accomplishments
- Editing Service offered by the Language Center
- Publication Fund University of Basel
Courses on teaching are offered by GRACE (in English) and the University of Basel (in German and English).
Graduation – Administration
What does your faculty expect from you?
- Information for the Faculty of Medicine
- Information for the Faculty of Science
PPHS Certificate
To get a certificate of PPHS you have to send your Learning agreement (Faculty of Medicine) or the filled-in Appendix 2I from the Swiss TPH Student Handbook (Faculty of Science) as pdf to
Information on archiving your dissertation at the University Library. Contact and questions:
Information for after the PhD
On the PPHS Career page, you can find information about career workshops, career talks, and other useful links.
“Beyond the Doctorate – Guide for Advanced Doctoral and Postdoctoral Students”