Buddy System
Starting in 2020, PPHS established a buddy system. The idea is that PhD students in the health sciences will help first-year PhD students with questions they might have. These questions can be related to the PhD, but also to the private domain (housing, health insurance, public transport, etc.). The buddy and the first-year student decide how to shape their relationship, e.g. how often to meet and what they discuss.
You are available to a new PhD student for about one year. Other than that, meetings between the buddies are according to your own wishes.
We are always looking for new buddies. Would you like to become a buddy? Just fill out the registration form below.
The pairing takes place via email introduction. The new student-buddy pair receives reimbursement for a drink.
What current buddies think about the buddy system:
“It is really great and informal, makes the new students feel more at ease when they feel like they have 100 questions and are reluctant to ask all the time.”
“It allows students to integrate in a new environment – academic and life in general.”