

With this retreat, we are bringing Meet to Write participants and other writers from our program together in person to write, learn and celebrate our writing community. Attendees will enjoy dedicated time and space for focused scientific writing, including opportunities for input, discussion, peer- and expert feedback, and revision.

After a morning of writing, there will be lunch with all the participants.


Participants will follow a structured writing procedure, called the Pomodoro Technique.

Workshop – Evolving trends in research abstracts: beyond the traditional

Riana will give an input session on newer abstract types in academic publishing, including author summaries, key point summaries, video abstracts, and graphical abstracts, which enhance accessibility and engagement. She will cover their impact, structure, style, and requirements while providing practical guidance on writing and designing them.

Peer Feedback

After a short introduction to peer feedback, participants divide into groups of 2-3 and review their own texts. These can be texts that participants wrote the same day or those that they have brought with them. Riana and Anja will be present and available for support as necessary.

Expert Feedback

Riana will give guidance and feedback on participants’ revision efforts, offering suggestions for improvement and highlighting common pitfalls to avoid. Those participants who join expert feedback sessions need to bring a text along.

Target group

  • PhD Students of the Faculty of Medicine, Graduate School Social Sciences, PhD Program of Psychology as well as those from Swiss TPH
  • All levels of experience and all stages of PhD research and writing

About the lecturer(s)
Dr. Anja Matthiä has been coordinating PPHS since 2019. Having found her pleasure in writing again, she wants to pass on her experience as well as tips about academic writing to PhD researchers so they also find their pleasure in writing.

Dr. Riana Paola-Roos (PhD in Applied Linguistics) has taught English in various educational institutions in Switzerland, England and South Africa. She specializes in academic writing courses at master’s and doctoral levels, mainly at the Language Centre of the University of Basel and Swiss TPH. Riana has been involved in Meet to Write from early on and has provided valuable input and feedback to many participants.


We can provide a certificate for a workload of 5 hours. You can use this retreat as part of a learning contract for the complete Meet to Write offer.



4 April 2025
9:00 – 14:00


On-site at Swiss TPH
Kreuzstrasse 2, 4123 Allschwil
Seminar room 3


Time Topic
9:00 – 9:30 Welcome, Coffee and Tea
9:30 – 10:00 Intro and writing warm-up
10:00 – 10:55 Parallel session:

  • Writing (Pomodoro)
  • Workshop – Beyond Traditional Abstracts
10:55 – 11:05 Break
11:05 – 12:00 Peer feedback and tutor support
12:00 – 12:10 Break
12:10 – 12:55 Parallel session:

  • Writing (Pomodoro)
  • Expert Feedback
12:55 – 13:15 Closing words
13:15 – 14:00 Lunch and Celebrating Milestones
14:00 – open Optional: continue writing

About Meet to Write

Meet to Write is a tailor-made framework of weekly 3h sessions to support PhD researchers in developing their writing style and habits that will guide them towards completion of manuscripts.

More info about the program, input sessions, feedback sessions, writing tips, and registration to the mailing list can be found here.